Guangdong Exrel Import & Export Company limited

"Exrel" is established to maintain excellent support and reliable products to their customer to achieve success in business and establish own reputation.

At China, we can source products, technology, raw material and machineries. If you have some new ideas to develop we can find suitable manufacturer/developer for it and arrange its manufacturing at China too.

We can also assist to purchase from your sourced supplier with the checking of the quality and reliability of supplier. The main problem with many Chinese traders and factories is difficulty in communication and understanding of your views and requirement in detail so may be at some stage of business you feel the communication gap, we simply feel the gap to ensure smooth operation of business activities without worry of any unexpected things will happen, for that we study and understand your view, your method of working and derive the findings. We can assist in quality control at different level of production and final shipping.

We can also arrange payment matters if some supplier just accept RMB and they do not have export facility.

At India, we import and stock some selected products from China and provide them to distributors, wholesalers, dealers and end customer with complete support and assurance of the quality. For the items we are not keeping in stock, we can import for you even in small volume or quantity and can deliver at your door step and you can have assurance of get the imported goods in your hand without worry about the import formalities, documentation, reliability of the supplier.